Friday 4 October 2013

Wear it Pig!

Testing, Testing...

First of all I feel I should admit that this will be me losing my Blogging (is blogging the correct word? Oh help!) virginity as it were so please bare with me.

I figured a fitting premiere post should be about something I have recently done in my life that encompasses as many of my passions as possible, and nothing says that like the flash mob I was able to be a part of last Friday in order to advertise the Breast Cancer Campaign charity. 

Just in case you aren't familiar with what a flash mob is, the best way to explain is that a group of any possible number of people is positioned within any public area among completely unaware general members of the public, when those who have been appointed, break into dance. The best part about flash mobs is that it doesn't necessarily have to any point to it other than entertaining and surprising complete strangers, and I can tell you now I had so much fun finally being able to a part of the other side. This flash mob, for instance, being in London's Oxford Street Primark store advertising the Breast Cancer Campaign "Wear it Pink" clothing range.

Now, I'm not going to lie, there was one major set back to the day. This being the fact that me and my house mate, also a cast member, had to wake up at the heartbreaking hour of 5am...(A.M) in order to commute to London in time for the 7:00 start in store. Although being that the flash mob was for charity we just grabbed our extra large coffees and yummy blueberry muffins on the way in tired excitement, and later let our over tiredness keep our energy levels up...and i mean up... hyper actively up, but being brought to stitches is never bad in my eyes.

As I said, this was a flash mob, meaning we had to dance (there's passion number 1...muffins don't count right?) we were all sent a video of what the choreographer wanted and had to learn from that ready for the limited time we had on set on the day. Now, I have to declare that my preferred dance style has always been classical ballet, although thanks to my training I enjoy all others, and the steps we were given would've come more into the category of Jazz. Perfect for the atmosphere we wanted the flash mob to produce. Not quite the "Jazz Hands" routine you may be picturing, but close, I'll give you that much.

Oh, oh, oh, how I have not yet mentioned the fact that the flash mob was performed in a pig onesie! As in baby pink fleece all in one complete with pig ears, snout and tail. Bare in mind there were 20 of us girls, all fast pace dancing in unison within a small section of the store, in fleece. Sweating like a pig is a phrase that has never more beautifully fit. The pig costume made the whole day a lot more fun I must say. I mean, how often is that you walk into Primark to find 20 pigs dancing in the middle of it? 

Being the lucky lady I am, I was also asked to film some acting alone (still dressed as a pig remember). You don't know this yet but I HATE CHEESE (As in overacting not mozzarella) so being told to walk around the store with my "Oh what's happening here?" face would usually have me running a mile. But it didn't. I'm still in shock about this one. I actually loved doing it. Maybe I've broken a mental barrier when it comes to cheese. Maybe it was just the fact I knew the project was for charity but either way I was happy with my performance...pat on the back to me!

All laughing and jokes aside, it was great to be a part of something that will later go towards helping to raise money for such an important cause. Being together with 19 other passionate dancers, doing what we all love for the sake of charity is something that will always remind you through tiredness and stress of why we do it and this is what I personally gained from the day. 

The flash mob will be aired soon and I will definitely share it with you when I can! Oink!
My Housemate and Myself fashioning our "Wear it Pink" look.

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