Sunday 1 March 2015

First Skype Session- 24th February 2015

After having my first group skype session with Paula, I feel so much more confidence about Module 3 and what it entails. As I was very rarely able to be a part of the campus sessions and skype sessions in previous Modules I understand how helpful it is to blog about to discussion and notes I have made during the session.

The session began by clarifying what the final results of my  Module 3 work will consist of:

Critical Review
Described as a formal written explanation about what my professional inquiry is it about, the research I have made and what I have discovered. Consisting of around 6,000 words and estimated to make up 50% of my final submissions, the Critical Review will be separated into 4 sections.

Within this section we describe the beginnings of our professional inquiry. 

Evaluation- Literature Review 
The evaluation section is where we will put our literature review. The literature review will be a summary of the main points, arguments and debates raised within the literature. Describing what the individual sources of literature give me as an overview. Paula stressed the importance of keeping up a bibliography throughout the inquiry process to avoid problems later on in the term. We were also told that as the word count limit is quite tight, A longer literature review can be attached as an appendix if I feel it would be necessary.

The analysis section is my opportunity to triangulate the information I have collected within my chosen research tools. Identifying and using what similarities and differences there are that seem the most beneficial. It is at this point in the critical review I will be considering what audience I will be creating my professional artefact for, as well as what it may be.

Critical Reflection 
The critical reflection is of the same format as those we have done in previous Modules. Using appendices from the sources I have used in order to explain the process I have been through throughout my inquiry and reflecting upon any trials and success I have come across.

Paula recommended  that we start writing these sections as soon as we feel ready so that it can be improved upon throughout the process. As I have broken the study period into 3 thirds so that I keep on track with my research and inquiry development I intend to begin writing my Critical Review at the end of the 4th study week. 

Professional Artefact
The second part of the inquiry is the professional artefact. The artefact is a way of explaining my professional inquiry topic and discoveries in a form specifically aimed at my chosen audience. The form that it take is open to what I feel to be the most beneficial for my aim. The examples we were given included a website, pample, video or even a choreography if it is appropriate to my topic. The word count for this part is approximately 3,000 words although if written words aren't used it easier to be described as making up 25% of my final inquiry. 

Oral Presentation
The final 25% of my inquiry will be an oral presentation. This will take place after the 12 week term and submission of the aboves pieces. The proal presentation is my opportunity to voice my inquiry topic, researching, findings and experience to a peer group. It was suggested that we can also design and create a powerpoint presentation to coincide if it would be helpful.

Keeping On Track 

We also discussed ways in which we can see if we are on track with our work. Much like the helpful weekly targets given to us in the previous modules. The diagram of the 5 steps of creating our professional inquiry is a very helpful to reference throughout the study period.

"The five stages and corresponding steps in the professional inquiry"

Middlesex University - WBS 3760 Module 3 Handbook BAPP Arts, Institute for Work Based Learning 2014-2015 page 13

Looking at this diagram I now consider myself to be between stages 2 and 3 of my inquiry. Already well into my literature review, I have also begun interviews which is my main inquiry tool. Continually identifying where I am in the diagram will help me to keep on track throughout the term.

Useful Sources

Below is a list of useful sources we discussed in the skype session that will be helpful with inquiry research as sometimes finding literature can become difficult.

  • Schonol - Can use other university libraries to search for books, this is the format used to do this through Middlesex University.
  • Online Library Site
  • Libguides
  • My Unihub > Library > Summon 
  • b.o.b reading list module 3

We were also recommended to use "citethemright" website in order to create the correct harvard referencing for all written work.

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